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The user-friendly interface of CustomBooks™ enables swift and seamless data entry for tax purposes, making the process less time-consuming. The software features well-designed forms and convenient drop-down menus to facilitate the input of information.
Provide your clients with a personalized dashboard that offers a graphical representation of the performance of their business.
Increase your revenue
This can be achieved by implementing strategies such as improving your product or service offerings and expanding into new markets
Address larger clients
Extend your offering to higher margin clients. Go after product customers that need robust inventory tracking
Get Certified
Certification enables you to join the Rockstar portal. Get more clients & promote your firm
Get more done
CustomBooks™ automates many redundant tasks, allowing you to maximize your time and increase efficiencies
Get more clients
CustomBooks™ automations allow you to get more done in less time. Take your business to the next level
Get Certified
Certification enables you to join the Rockstar portal. Get more clients
Discover product and partner solutions in a 1-1 call with the CustomBooks™ Partner Team. Schedule a demo right away or apply to become a partner and learn more about joining CustomBooks™ Rockstars.
Watch this short video to discover how CustomBooks™ can strengthen your practice and facilitate growth for your clients.